Tuesday, February 16, 2010

thank you all readers

thank you all readers and thank you fudgey my mom has told me a lot about you she said that you will be giving me my scarf on 2/25/10 but my mom is not shure.Now i forgot your name but thank you.Your name is really long but i want to now your real name.I hope you will write me back.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi Em... the scarf is waiting for me to go to town and put it in the post it has been too hot to walk into town lately, not like you with all your snow! Paul just said he might be able to take me tomorrow if he finishes work on time for a change ( he is a teacher and ALWAYS works late)
    my full name is Jeannie-maree yes it is very long lol
